Customer satisfaction
Along with surveys run as part of our Tpas accreditation and through the Institute of Customer Service (ICS), we carry out our own regular customer satisfaction surveys. Your thoughts, suggestions and opinions about how we provide our services to you are vital. They really do make a difference when we consider how we can improve.
- 85% said our rent represents value for money
- 88% are satisfied with their local neighbourhood as a place to live
- 74% are satisfied with the overall service Aster provides.
We appreciate the messages we receive complimenting us on the services received in your homes. 530 customer compliments were received during the past year by our repairs team alone. We’ve shared a selection of your compliments below:

& complaints
Having a simple way for you to let us know when a service hasn’t met your expectations is an important part of our work to make sure we can continuously improve and meet our customer promises.
We work closely with the Housing Ombudsman to make sure we meet all complaints standards across the sector. The complaints service has been designed to make it as easy as possible for you to raise an issue if something has gone wrong, so that you can be confident that we’ll be accountable, learn from our mistakes and improve our services.
We received (figures do not include complaints received by C&C, Enham Trust or EBHT):
- 770 formal complaints
- 912 fast-track complaints*
- 17 complaints investigated by the Housing Ombudsman, however there were no cases of severe maladministration published by the ombudsman during the 2022/23 financial year – this is where the ombudsman makes a formal decision that a landlord has failed to do something.
We sent out 86% of responses in time.
* A fast-track complaint can be dealt with quickly and efficiently as part of ‘day to day’ business and is dealt with outside the formal complaints process. This approach is taken if it will offer you the best experience.
By team:
- 1,068 complaints overall (463 formal, 605 fast-track)
Complaints received were on topics involving our responsive repairs service, including complaints around condensation and mould issues
- 489 complaints overall (239 formal, 251 fast-track)
Complaints received were on topics including tenancy management and anti-social behaviour (ASB) issues
- 111 complaints overall (63 formal, 48 fast-track)
Complaints received were on topics including resolving defects in new homes.
We received an additional five formal complaints and eight fast-track complaints, consisting of complaints made to our group services team, or about our private finance initiative (PFI) homes.
The cost-of-living crisis has created challenges for our team working to continue to deliver our services. As we’ve seen across other housing associations, the number of complaints has increased compared to last year. As a result, we’ve made changes to improve the process and to continue to provide a good service in responding to complaints. These include growing our team so that we have more people ready to support you, hear your concerns and find a solution.
During the year, the Housing Ombudsman updated their scheme and the Complaint Handling Code . We carried out a self-assessment to check we’re following the code correctly, and the Designated Complaints Panel has been fully involved in the process as well as amends to our Complaints policy.